To keep you safe, our classes have been paused until further notice. You will be updated if any changes are made in line with the advice of the government and health authorities.
WHO Corona virus update
How to protect yourself and those around you
Hand cleaning & washing techniques advised by NHS
If you notice any of the symptoms as mention in the above guidelines, please seek medical help immediately
Endeavour to wash your hands more than usual, for a continuous period of 20 seconds or more
Sing happy birthday twice while washing your hands (don't rush)
Wash your hands when you return home, get to work, when you cough, sneeze, before and after handling any food
Wash your hands before, during and after cookery class with antibacterial soap
We will provide antibacterial soap and antibacterial wipes in our classes
If you feel ill or have symptoms of a cold please stay at home and seek medical help to be sure of any symptoms
In line with Government policy and the advice of the health authorities, we kindly request that guests stay indoors and avoid attending cookery classes if you have travelled to the UK from countries listed here.
In the mean time, keep calm, informed, keep safe & stay healthy. We will get through this together.
See detailed information from WHO website here